Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Getting Organised!

Today was dedicated to the organisation of our sketch books, which for me was highly needed.
I proof read my research report because although it seemed quite long, I found that it contained a lot of uneccesary information which wasn't really relevant to the project, so I too these parts out.
I then continued reading my research report while looking at the assessment criteria given to us earlier on in the unit. This was helpful because it told me what I had to include and also which band I was at, at the moment.

In the dark room, I printed from the negatives which we photographed last week. Last time I was in the dark room my contact prints didn't come out very well, so I used a different method of laying out the negative in the contact holder in the lighted classroom then after transferring them to the dark room. This was more efficient because it mean't that I could see what I was doing and it saved time.
Also, last time I printed, the majority of my pictures came out under exposed which mean't I had to add more light to the paper. I did this and also made it a habit to do test strips according to the contact print pictures that look the best.

Next week, I would like to research my chosen three final ideas for my project.

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